Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Been a while

It sucks so bad i am getting better at drawing but i don't have a scanner so i can't put them on the blog. "sigh" I gues that I will have to try to get one.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

the begining

This is my first post ever so I'll try my best. One of my intrests is muscle men and no I am not gay. Some times I wish that I was that big but I know that it will probably never happen. No the picture on my profile isn't me. Do you think I would be talking about this stuff if I was. Why in the heck am I doing this I don't even know if any one will look at my blog, Oh well. I bet alot of guys who are skinny wish that that goud get big and bulky, or maybe I am just an odd ball out.